University of Naples Federico II

Francesco Caracciolo di Torchiarolo

Department of Agriculture

Associate professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy at University of Naples Federico II and Honorary Research Fellow at The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Development Impact Unit. He received a master in Agricultural Economics and Policy at the Center for Advanced Training and Research in Agricultural Economics, Italy, and a PhD in Agricultural Economics at the University of Naples, Italy. He served as consultant at the secretariat of “The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture”, and at the Commission of Plant Genetic Resources (FAO). He is associate editor of “Sustainability” and “Economy”.
His recent research interests are: contribution of crop diversification and ecological intensification strategies to rural households’ livelihood and food security; Analysis of prosocial and pro-environmental behaviors of consumers. He is ranked in the top ten Italian agricultural economists according to Scopus-Scimago database.

Rural development
plant genetic resources
ecosystem services