University of Naples Federico II

Luigi Cembalo

Department of Agriculture

Full professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy). Cembalo has got two MSc degree: in Agricultural Economics and Policy (Centre of Advanced Training, ITA) and Agricultural and Resource Economics (University of Arizona, USA), and a PhD in Agricultural Economics and Policy (University of Naples Federico II, Italy). His scientific interests focus on innovation and sustainability in high value supply chain, consumer studies, and circular economy. He is research fellow at the Wageningen University – The Netherlands and at the University of Arizona – USA. He has also been visiting scholar at IOWA State University, and at the Cornell University, USA. He taught a course at the University of Waikato (NZ). Cembalo is editor in chief for AFE journal (Springer) and editor for PLOS-ONE and Sustainbility journals. Cembalo is involved in several research projects as PI, WP leader and Co-I. Cembalo published about 100 works of which 60 in ISI/Scopus journals.

Agricultural economics
circular economy
ecosystem services