University of Naples Federico II

Marco Guida

Department of Biology

Prof. Marco Guida is full professor at the Department of Biology, University of Naples Federico II, with experience in microbiology, food hygiene, health and safety in working environments, potable, mineral and thermal water quality assessment, thermal mud, sediment and soil quality assessment, and aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology. He is the Coordinator of Hygiene Laboratories “Waters, Food, Environment” of the Department of Biology, University of Naples “Federico II”, certified under UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 since 2006, performing research activities, monitoring, and analysis regarding molecular microbiology, environmental and food microbiology, eco-toxycology, evaluation of waters potability, characterization of environmental and food microbial strains. Prof. Marco Guida (co-) authored more than 180 documents, between these 160 documents are indexed in Scopus including peer-reviewed papers, reviews, books, book chapters, editorials and 1 patent.

water potability